Saturday, June 6, 2015

Summer of Darkness

I have always been a fan of the darker elements of fiction whether it is written or visual arts. As I contemplated a specific study for my future PhD program, I decided it was best to focus on my passion; Detective/Crime Fiction, Film Noir and the Wrong Man. I already have several ideas going through my brain, but I'm coming close to developing a thesis for my dissertation. So as I prepare for the application process, I have been re-reading some of my hardboiled collections and purchasing new ones. Then, as I was watching Turner Classic Movies, I saw a preview of the coming summer series Summer of Darkness: A Film Noir Festival. Every Friday, TCM will be airing 12-13 films noir. It's a good thing I have Fridays off. It will definitely be a day of lounging and film noir viewing.

In addition, TCM has paired with a free online course entitled: Investigating Film Noir. The course offers certificates of completion at the quarter's end. Yes, indeed, I signed up. I figured it would be a good start to my upcoming studies. Therefore, I've decided to start this new blog with a focus on Noir.

My purpose is to critique and analyze each movie not just during this film noir festival but when watching any film noir. I will include thoughts on defining noir both on screen and in text as well as analysis on the elements of noir. I may deviate from analysis and include posts about attending noir festivals or viewing noir artwork. I'm really excited about investigating all aspects of the noir genre. I welcome all comments and opinions related to this subject.

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